July 31, 2009

birthday bash!

kemaren, gue ngerayaain ultah.yaaa, gue tambah tua! zzzz
seneeeeng banget pas gue buka fb wall gue ucapan selamat ultah semua.hihi :D
gue ol sampe jam 1 siang tuuh, gue berharap temen-temen gue pada dateng ke rumah gitu..tapi ngga ada tanda- tandanya.huhuhu

akhirnya pacar gue (kidding) fitria bilang mau ke rumah gue jam 3an. whoaaa, seneng banget gue! dia akhirnya dateng jam setengah 3. abis itu karna gue sama dia kelaperan, kita sepakat bikin nasi goreng (which is my favourite!) . pas lagii di tengah- tengah masak, ada tamu di luar. gue yang bukain pintu dan ternyataaaaa..

TEMEN-TEMEN GUE DATENG KE RUMAH! sambil bawa kue tulisannya, "happy birthday wiwit, we ♥ you" awwwww! sweeet!

rumah gue dari yang sunyi senyap jadi rameee banget! seneeeeeeeng banget!

unfortunately,my bf can't come. but, nevermind..he's the first person who saying happy birthday for me :P
abis itu gue nraktir temen- temen ke ws. ber 18 orang! pas banget sama umur gue.hehehe
altough it's a simple birthday bash, gue seneeeeennng banget!
thank you my beloved pelangii and morfin friends. love you all ♥
xoxo :D

July 24, 2009


ya. semua pasti mati. gue tau itu. cuma yang gue pikir, waktunya seseorang bakal mati ga ada yang tau.
bulan ini gue udah 2 kali ke acara pemakaman. and it is, very shocking. beberapa hari yang lalu, nyokapnya ade kelas gue meninggal. gue ke acara pemakamannya. seinget gue, nyokapnya itu orangnya asik, baik trus aktif banget. eh, masa gue tau- tau dikabarin temen, dia meninggal? gimana ceritanya dah? rasanya kayak gue baru kemaren ketemu dia, terus beberapa hari kemudian gue tau dia meninggal? how come?
dia katanya meninggal gara- gara kanker,tapi gue lupa kanker apa.

kemaren, bude gue meninggal. gue juga kaget banget! gue tau sih, dia udah sakit- sakitan gitu. cuma gue kaget aja gitu, kemarin lusa dia masuk ICU, terus besokannyadia meninggal. gue ngga tega ngeliat sepupu gue pada nangis mulu gitu. hmm..gue sangat berharap itu ngga akan terjadi ke gue.amin.

so yeah, umur emang ngga ada yang tau ya? gue baru sadar, gue harusnya bersyukur sampe sekarang gue masih hidup, sehat pula. hmmm, kejadian kayak gini bikin gue belajar banyak. bikin gue bisa lebih menghargai hidup.
July 22, 2009

getting crazy

i just finished watching SPONGEBOB SQUAREPANTS series over and over. YAAAYY! since i don't have anything to do, so..i watch a lot of spongebob series. feels i'm getting more stupid day after day watching it. okay, i tried to stop (someday) LOL!
it's just, there's a lot of fun watcing stupid yellow sponge and pink starfish playing with many things which i wish i could do the same ;P

and another thing, this morning i'm learning how to drive! yaaaayy! finally. and i did it good actually. can't wait to go to highway with it!LOL!
i told my bf about my how-to-drive-learning but i got baad response. he didn't like it. he said if i can drive a car, he think that i will go anywhere without him, and i will forget him! soo stupid!LOL!

i won't do that, hunny ;P

currently i'm missing my bestfriends so much, my pelangi and my morfin friends. miss you so much guys! :'( i wonder if we could gather around and do the things like we used to, like playing around, going for a trip somewhere.hmmm, miss those crazy moments.

okay, i'm off to go : take a bath because i'm going to meet my bf.LOL! : )

July 2, 2009

fashion icon

so yeah..i'm fond of olsen twins fashion style. and yes, i adore their style!
love it, love it, love it!!

beachy hair, messy look and everything is sooo stunning!
how do you think? : )

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