February 28, 2011

rock e teer

"you make me feel like i can touch the planet
you want the moon? girl, watch me grab it!"

this song is actually pretty sweet, i <3 Far East Movement :)
February 21, 2011

when it hurts, i scream


yang namanya jujur kadang bisa bikin ngais-ngais tanah,bengong,teriak, marah, nangis.
bikin lo berasa pengen mendadak jadi budek buat beberapa saat.
berharap cuma mimpi.

should i trust you from now on?

pict source

February 18, 2011

silly, you may say

some random things i do;

1. counting how many hours i get for sleep. i did it like every day, especially when i slept at 2 or 3 am.
2. set my alarm but when it's ringing, i wake up and turn it off and back to sleep, then when i wake up (again) and knowing that i'm late, i scream and run to take a bath.
3. always wear clothes that match my shoes, bag, or accessories.
4. eat my dinner at 4 pm then, i eat something again at 10 pm.
5. always make other people around me get shock because they hear me scream (not like 'aaaaaaaaah~' scream, but more like 'HA?' but very loud HA?)

what's yours?

i'm in my holiday week, but instead of going on a trip, i ended up watching gossip girl season 4 in my bedroom all day. it sucks.
February 15, 2011


Leech crawling all over your brain. Craft scrumptious potrait of corrupt desire, thing that little heart denies but could not hold back.

Overwhelming one's sinful possession..

February 6, 2011


just want to share these pictures.
quite a work,eh?
source : http://ffffound.com

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